Reclaiming What’s Mine


Toady I took back my run. If you had asked me a year ago what I loved, I would have said “I love to run,” without hesitation, but I lost that. I lost my run. I could run, but I just didn’t want to. I guess you could call it my mojo, but why?

You see, 288 days ago, I ran a marathon & it stole my love of running. I trained… I ran… I ran a lot… and I burned myself out. For the past 9 months, I’ve tried to run. I’ve gone fast, slow, and everywhere in between but it just didn’t work. I had no idea what it would take to get my run back. Maybe I would just quit being a runner.

So much of what I have been over the last 7 years has been partially defined by calling myself a runner. Could I really be OK with changing that? Could I just quit? Would I have to put away the medals, the running bibs, the car magnets? No. I just couldn’t do it, so…

I went. No expectations. No time or
distance. I ran. I stopped to enjoy the world around me. I high-fived tree leaves, I took in the beauty around me, I listened to my body, I may have even shed a few tears (sometimes I cry when I run… the sun makes my eyes water). I ran, uphill, downhill, I even spread my wings, kicked up my heels and ran fast downhill and closed my eyes for just a second. And I felt alive.

When all was said and done, I knew I was back. How far & how fast didn’t matter. All I could think about was when I would run next. (Those of you who are runners understand.) I am a runner. See you on the road.


I Resolve


So, we’ve all done it…made a New Year’s Resolution.  I decided, why not make a summer resolution.  It’s a time when we try new things & live with a more carefree attitude.  So, here goes:

  • Make or do something beautiful every day…art, jewelry, a kind word

  • Appreciate the world around me more…the sky, the earth, my surroundings

  • Run! It’s free, it’s fun, it’s good for me & I can do it!

  • Give time to the people who matter most to me…Nattas, Kevin, Mom…etc.

  • Be outside…the world is here for us to enjoy, so why not.  Sit on the porch, weed the garden, jump on the trampoline, lay in the hammock, dance in the rain.

  • Find beauty in everything, even a long run at the gym on the treadmill.

  • Eat good food & don’t feel guilty.

  • Do more yoga.

This life is here to be enjoyed…so kick up your heels & enjoy it!SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA



A Year in Pictures…365 Days of Tree Poses (the 1st month)

I began this year with a project in mind…my goal was to do something fun, but different.  I had seen a post about taking a picture a day for 365 days.  It caught my attention, but it couldn’t be just that.  My project had to be different…go figure.  I decided I would do a yoga tree pose every day for all of 2014.  I knew I would need some help with this, so I recruited Kevin to be my photographer (some days I set the timer, but for most, he’s my guy).  I started out with a bang by climbing the tree…something I haven’t done in a VERY long time, but at Kevin’s suggestion, I went for it.  It was fun & invigorating and I couldn’t wait for day 2.  Here’s where I’ve gone so far.

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 1 of 365…tree in a tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 2 of 365…upside down tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 3 of 365…tree in the snow

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 4 of 365…tree on the frozen fishpond

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 5 of 365…tree in the rainy street

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 6 of 365…family tree

Day 7 of 365...tree silhouetteDay 7 of 365…tree silhouette

Day 8 of 365...real life treeDay 8 of 365…real life tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 9 of 365…trees at the gym with friends

Day 10 of's Friday night at 650 & I'm in my pajamas treeDay 10 of 365…it’s Friday night at 6:50 & I’m in my pajamas tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 11 of 365…one rockin’ tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 12 of 365…rooftop garden tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 13 of 365…tree frog tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 14 of 365…pineapple tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 15 of 365…ǝǝɹʇ

Day 16 of 365...snowy night treeDay 16 of 365…snowy night tree

Day 17 of 365...first grade treesDay 17 of 365…first grade trees

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 18 of 365…on the couch with my dog tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 19 of 365…poet-tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 20 of 365…Kelly & Kevin standing like a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 21 of 365…beautiful snowy morning tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 22 of 365…trampoline tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 23 of 365…tree in a pot

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 24 of 365…Happy Birthday to Mamaw tree (I love & miss you.)

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 25 of 365…outstanding in my field tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 26 of 365…sunset tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 27 of 365…tea tree oil

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 28 of 365…cottonwood tree

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 29 of 365…pea tree dish

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 30 of 365…tree stump

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 31 of 365…tree hugger

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 32 of 365…tree of love

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERADay 33 of 365…post-rainy run tree

When I began, I had no idea where this project would take me.  I have had people talk to me about these pictures which are fairly ordinary nearly every day for the past month.  I thought I was just having fun & maybe a few people would get some enjoyment or a laugh out of it, but I have a feeling it is much more than that.  If I can inspire just one person to try something new & different, then this has been a success.  Some days are ordinary & some days, my heart is so full I can’t even explain.  I’ll continue to make like a tree & please continue to enjoy it.

Can’t wait for more trees…here’s a link to my Facebook album where I’m adding a picture a day:

The 32nd Year

So…I’m 33.  

I began to think about this past year & all the new that has come with the 32nd year.  There’s been a lot.

In November, I ate my last Thanksgiving turkey, followed by a vow to go vegan.  As the year has progressed, I have found myself more & more committed to my vegan cause.  It began as a health crusade & has become more of a moral issue now.  Do I miss meat…NO!…but cheese is another story.  I have learned so much this past year about what goes into my body.  I feel so much better physically & mentally.  So this year…Tofurky.


Running…I ran my 1st 10K at the end of October which I followed with an insane year of running.  From last October to now, I  have run six 5K’s,  two 10K’s, a mini-marathon & just 3 days ago, I ran 16 miles just to test my limits.  Running has brought me new freedom & new friends…especially this past year. 


I have 2 new jobs that I started this past year.  With both jobs, I am able to do what I love & surround myself with awesome people.  I have new friends & new opportunities for the future.

So, to the 33rd year I say…Bring it on!!!  I have the best family & friends I could ask for.  Every year is better than the last.

At 32, I just lost my 3rd grandparent.  I have come to realize that with each, my grief has felt different.  Why?  I love them all…not one more than the other, so what makes my feelings different as I have lost each of them?



grandmakristagrandpaFirst was Grandma.  I was just 17.  It was a crushing kind of hurt that I’d never experienced.  I felt a physical pain.  I couldn’t sleep, didn’t want to eat…my entire system was in chaos.  I cried, at random times.  There didn’t have to be a trigger, just a sudden & overwhelming need to cry.  Grandma died suddenly & unexpectedly the day after Thanksgiving.  My memories are still quite clear…I can still feel her warmth & will always hold that close.




Culp photos (101)The next loss was Mamaw.    I was 29.  I was probably closer to her than any of the others, mostly because she made sure to know everything about everyone.  We saw each other often.  She was blunt & honest & felt everything deeply.  Mamaw was funny even when she didn’t mean to be, and she usually didn’t mean to be.  She would laugh with you at herself.  We watched her health waiver for years.  That last time I saw her in the hospital, I was sure I would see her again.  That was it.  I was stunned by the call in the middle of the night.  I didn’t expect it but I should have.  Perhaps that was the denial that comes with grief.  I just felt it in the very beginning.  I still cry when I look at pictures or think of how she would respond to things.  I know how she would worry…about all of us.


Nattas and PapawJust a week ago, Papaw let go.  I have to believe it was his choice, because he never would have gone if he weren’t ready.  He’s always been there…the reliable one…dependable to a fault.  For a few months, maybe longer, his health has gotten progressively worse.  He didn’t let on until he couldn’t hide it any longer.  His breathing was labored…he didn’t leave home as much & finally stopped coming to church.  The first Sunday, I figured he just didn’t feel well & then he still didn’t come the next week or the next.  He never came back.  His seat was still there, just in case.  I made sure of it.  It was there last week & as long as it’s next to me, it will be saved.  I know he isn’t coming back, but it’s his seat.  He trained Mom to mow the yard & use the mower.  This was a big deal.  He slowly let go of his usual things.  The last few months were the worst…hospital, nursing home, his apartment.  He just didn’t seem comfortable.  He needed to have someone there more often than not.  I knew that the end could come soon.  The last visit at the hospital, I told him I’d see him later…he said, “I hope so”…& I didn’t.  He was gone before I got to see him again.  I know that he knew I loved him.  Strange thing is the tears just aren’t coming.  I have my moments…like now, while I type this, but I don’t feel an overwhelming grief.  


So I sit here wondering…am I doing something wrong?  Is there a right way to grieve?  What’s different?  Maybe it’s me…the person I am is far different from that 17 year old who lost her first grandparent.  Even now, just 3 years after losing Mamaw…am I that much different?  Maybe I am, or maybe we grieve differently for everyone.  So I’ve decided that we all grieve…in our own ways…which can be very different.

Grief…Am I Doing Something Wrong?

Kale Yeah!

Kale…perhaps one of the greatest foods on the planet, so let’s talk about it.  It can be eaten a million different ways & it is soooo good & good for you.

Let’s start with the health benefits:

1. Kale is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat.
2. Kale is high in iron. 
3. Kale is high in Vitamin K.
4. Kale is filled with powerful antioxidants.
5. Kale is a great anti-inflammatory food.
6. Kale is great for cardiovascular support. 
7. Kale is high in Vitamin A.
8. Kale is high in Vitamin C.
9. Kale is high in calcium.
10. Kale is a great detox food.

So maybe now you’re thinking…ok, but I don’t like kale. (If that’s the case, there might be something wrong with you.)  Here are some amazing ways to eat/drink kale.

1.  Drink it!  My favorite way to drink it is what I like to call a Reece Cup smoothie.  Throw all of this in the blender:

  • A bunch of kale: 2 or 3 or 4 handfuls
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1 or 2 Tbsp. of peanut butter or almond butter
  • 2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
  • 1 ripe banana
  • Any other fruits or veggies you want to add (you probably won’t be able to taste them, but they add healthy fillers to give you a bigger, more filling drink)

2.  Have a salad.  Yes, kale is good raw & it’s really crunchy.  Here are some links to tasty kale salads:

      Kale and Cabbage Goddess Salad                       

3. Kale Chips…Kale Chips…Kale Chips!!!  They are delicious & satisfy the need for crunchy chips.  The recipe below looks yummy, but they are also good with just olive oil & sea salt.  

4. Hummus

Kale and Sundried Tomato Hummus on Grilled Sourdough

5. Kale Fried Rice

6. Throw it in a soup…this one’s a no brainer…just throw it in the soup.

7. Still not convinced…here’s a link to more recipes.

Top 10 Ways to Prepare Kale

Eat Kale!

Being Vegan is Delicious

When you hear the word vegan, some people automatically assume that means boring food.  So here are some of my favorite yummy foods to prove to you that being vegan is not only good for me & the planet, but it tastes good too!


A quick & easy meal…Vegan Boca burger on wheat bread with romaine lettuce & avocado and a side of seasoned sweet potato fries.


Garlic green beans, wheat berries with sea salt (a personal favorite) and roasted chickpeas (another personal favorite).


Pizza!!!  A spinach crust with red onions, tomatoes, chickpeas, roasted red peppers & green olives.


Salad with everything I can fit on the plate topped with a crumbled tofu marinated in lemon juice & finished off with my homemade salad dressing.


Homemade whole wheat spinach tortillas topped with black beans & brown rice, tomatoes, black olives & avocado.


Mulit-grain wrap with a black bean spread, diced tomatoes & avocado.


Green split pea soup & an almond butter sandwich…not much to look at, but tastes yummy.


Sweet potato, quinoa, kale salad.


Edamame with kale fried rice.

My Journey

So, a lot of you see where I am & may ask how I came to be here.  What changed?  Where did I get the motivation, the drive?  Well, here’s my story.  

In 2010, I ran my first 5K.  I started doing yoga & running a few months before that to “cure” my sick stomach.  It started working but I had set backs…lots of them.  If you want to know more about me being a runner, check out my previous post “If I Can…You Can.”  Since then, I have run nine 5K’s & one 10K.  I plan to do as many as I can this year.SANYO DIGITAL CAMERA

I keep these on my wall as a reminder of what I can do.  

Running was a start, but my real, hardcore journey began the Christmas of 2010.  It’s the year that I was given “Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred” & a set of 1lb hand weights.  (Those aren’t the weights in the picture.  Those are York Peppermint Patties which I was also very pleased about.)


I started working out daily on January 1st, 2011.  I alternated between Jillian & yoga.  Sometimes I would go for a run, but 20 minutes in my living room was a lot more convenient.  By the end of January, I had dropped 15 lbs & 12 inches.  Talk about motivation.  I continued to work hard…losing inches but not weight.  I loved the way I was feeling & looking.  I knew I was getting stronger in every way possible.  

From day one until now, I have lost a total of 21 5/8 inches.  I am still only about 15 – 20 lbs lighter, but that’s exactly where I need to be.  It also goes to show that the scale is not a good measure of success.  I still work out daily.  I just can’t make myself take a rest day & my body doesn’t like it when I do.  So, here from start to present are my before & afters:

SANYO DIGITAL CAMERALeft is January 2011…middle is January 2012…right is now, January 2013.

I haven’t made major gains in appearance in the last year, but I can feel myself getting stronger all the time.  Just to share a little more with you and prove that you don’t need the gym or fancy equipment, here is my home gym.


I never have time to get bored with a workout, because there is always something different that I can do.  I guess you can tell that Jillian is my favorite.  What can I say?  She’s effective & most of the workouts are 30 minutes or less.  

 Now, I must say that I eat very healthy almost all of the time & am now a vegan, but that takes time as well.  Cut out the junk & you’re on the right track for starters.  

Let me just finish by saying…I did it, and you can too.  Just think about why you’re doing it.  Do it for yourself…not anyone else.  Be strong & seek support when you need it.  I’m always willing to answer questions or give you a kick in the rear if you need.

Lastly, I must thank Kevin.  He is the one who gave me the first Jillian dvd & the weights.  Now he puts up with all my crazy workouts every single day.  Thank you Kevin for all the support & encouragement you give me.  I love you!

Now…get off your butt & work out people. 🙂

Set Your Intention

So as the year draws to a close, we all make our resolutions…do something that will make 2013 different.  So far the only resolution I have made is to make the world smile.  I’m not sure yet how I’m going to do that, but I’ll just start with my family & go from there.

I’ve thought a lot about how people “resolve” to do things that usually don’t get done.  So here’s an alternative.  I recently read about recapitualtion.  You write down the good & bad from the past year.  Reflect on what you have done & how it has made you feel.  Set your intentions for the new year & burn what you wrote down.  It’s a thought, but I don’t really know that I want to think so much about what I did & didn’t do in the past year.

Here is my reflection…last year I set 2 physical goals for myself:

  1. Do a backbend…check!  Did it!  Felt great.
  2. Crow pose…not check!  Can’t stop falling on my head…not sure what the problem is, but in my efforts, I discovered something new & maybe even cooler that I could do…I can stand on my head.  Pow!! 


So, for 2013 where does this leave me?  I will only be realistic with myself in setting goals or making resolutions.  Here goes:

  1. I will keep working on crow pose…failure for 1 year does not mean I will quit.
  2. I will live consciously in all I do.  I will be me & be true to me.  This is not a selfish thing…the more I am genuine with myself, the better I will be for those I am close to.
  3. I will call myself a vegan.  I’ve been eating (almost) vegan for a month now.  Christmas cookies have some kind of hypnotic voo-doo over me so it’s not my fault.  It’s time to own it.  If I am not ok with telling people…”I’m a vegan”…then maybe I’m not ready for that commitment.  I AM ready!  I am a vegan.  (Slip-ups are ok.)
  4. I will continue to plan for the future.  I’ll get through that personal training book, pass the test & look toward new career options.

Ok…that’s enough for now.  I’ll still work to make the world smile, but all things take time.  Be realistic in your resolutions.  If your goal is for your health…do it!  The last 2 years have been the best ever for me…it is worth it.  Have a refreshing 2013.  Don’t forget to smile! 🙂

Adventures in Veganism

Today I got brave…tofu…I tried it for the very first time.  Was it what I expected?  I don’t know…it was different, but somehow familiar.  I figured if I’m going to do this vegan thing, I need to expand my horizons and try new things.  Some will be good & some will be bad.

So, I bought tofu about a week ago & decided it was time to go for it.  After searching Pinterest at great lengths, I decided to bread it & fry it in olive oil.  It helps that I just got some fantastic new garlic olive oil from Galena Garlic.  I was pleased with the result, but next time (that’s right, there will be a next time), I will season more.  Maybe dipping in some kind of sauce would be good. 


I shall continue to experiment & vow to be open to suggestions from more experienced vegans, or maybe just more experimental vegans. 

Happy eating & share your food ideas.